In the house opposite: a selection of the D.I.Y. art on solidarity

This collection presents zines and drawings about solidarity that are created by the queer and trans*gender activists from Ukraine. Some of the works were published in the "Feminism, zines, solidarity. Resisting discrimination on paper and in reality"1 (2019), others were featured on the ZBOKU2 web platform. These images show the processes and discussions that often go unnoticed in the academic community. The images are published with the permission of the authors.


1.geo, “dickversity.” From the “Postcards for comrades” series (collage, 2017)




“Lesbian in safety” (zine, extract, 2019). “Not all lesbians feel safe. But these simple recommendations will help you at home, at work, in your travels, in the shop, on holiday. Always and everywhere. Be a white cis woman from some western country (Western Europe or the USA is better)”

The zine refers to the European Lesbian* conference that took place in April 2019 in Kyiv. It points to the heterogeneity of any group, and to the privileges that define the different levels of safety and access to power even among the “marginalized” or “vulnerable” people.



K i KG. “Burnout” (zine, extract, 2019). “When something must be, but there is no energy for anything”



Yan Gubsky, “Your ‘this is not transphobia’ is his feeling of hopelessness”. From the series “Your ‘this is not transphobia…’” (2017)

“This series of images was inspired by many statements made by LGB-activists that transgender people have only a ‘subjective sensation’ of transphobia, and we are only ‘quarreling’ and are ‘at war’”.



“Super liberal democratic european human rights defending diversity” (zine, extract, 2019)

“The zine points to the episode during the KyivPride 2017 event when “mainstream” LGBT activists forgot about the “human rights struggle” and threatened the participants of the queer-anarcho-feminist block at the demonstration. The reason for the threats was the unapproved posters that outraged the far right”.



Untitled, 2019

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