Presentation of the "Feminist Critique" Journal

Presentation of the "Feminist Critique: East European Journal of Feminist and Queer Studies" took place on April 5th, 2017 in the office of Fulbright Program in Kyiv. Editors-in-chief Maria Mayerchyk and Olga Plakhotnik presented the paper «Ukrainian Feminist Protest Between “Nation Time” and “Feminist Time”»:

When we attempt to analyse feminism in post-socialist countries - both as academic discourse and as a grassroots movement - using the framework of three waves and the Western taxonomies, we get a picture of paradoxes, controversies, backward motion and running after. In our study, we analyse the dynamics of feminist discourse, movement's and resistance's development in Ukraine from 2008 till now juxtaposing a postcolonial feminist critique and a feminist theorising of temporality. 

Maria Teteriuk was a discussant:

A postcolonial methodology, proposed by the authors for disentangling of controversies in the history of Ukrainian feminist movement, is a workable alternative to the colonising Western narrative as well as uncritical sticking with the postcolonial status of post-Soviet state-nation and nationalism.

Mariam Agamyan moderated the panel discussion.

Many thanks to "Krytyka" and Fulbright Program in Ukraine for their support and hospitality, to all out guests for being with us, to Maks Rachkovskyi and Andriy Mokrousov for pictures. 





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